Here’s a quick list of helpful Amazon Marketing terms and definitions.
Above the Fold – The initial view that is seen when an Amazon page loads – Anything that you have to scroll down to view is considered below the fold
Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS) – Found by dividing Ad Spend by Ad Sales – This is the inverse of ROAS or In/Out Ratio
AOV – Average Order Value – Found by dividing Product Sales by Orders
ASIN – Amazon Standard Identification Number – This is a unique value
AUR – Average Unit Retail – Found by dividing Product Sales by Units Ordered
Below the Fold – Everything that you have to scroll down the page to view on Amazon
Bid – The amount you’re willing to pay per click on your ad
Broad Keyword Match – Targets any combination of the keywords specified no matter what other words and the order of those words – Does include plurals and common misspellings
Clicks – The number of times your ad was clicked on
Impressions – The number of views for an ad – This includes if your ad is at the bottom of the page and wasn’t technically viewed by the customer
Conversion Rate – The % that your product sells for when a customer views the Amazon Detail Page – Found by dividing Orders or Units by Sessions
CPA – Cost Per Acquisition – The amount of advertising dollars spent per order – Found by dividing Ad Spend by Orders
CPC – Cost Per Click – The amount you pay for each click on your ad – Generally displayed as an average
CTR – Click Thru Rate – The % of times your ad was clicked on when viewed – Found by dividing Clicks by Impressions
Exact Keyword Match – This only targets the keyword entered – Does include plurals and common misspellings
Negative Keywords – Keywords that we do not want to bid on in our ads
Page Views – The number of times your ASIN page was viewed – This includes duplicates and will always be higher or equal to sessions
Phrase Keyword Match – Targets the phrase you’ve entered when searched in the exact order specified – Does include plurals and common misspellings
PPC – Pay Per Click – This is the traditional advertising model that Google AdWords and Amazon Sponsored Product Ads are modeled after – You pay every time someone clicks on your ad
PPA – Pay Per Acquisition – A newer model used on eBay that you only pay for advertising when your ad converts in a sale
Product Detail Page – The official term for your product page on Amazon
ROAS (In/Out) – Found by dividing total Ad Sales by total Ad Spend – This is the inverse of ACoS
ROI – Found by dividing the total account sales by the sum of total marketing spend for Lightning Deals, Coupons, Sponsored Product Ads, Headline Search Ads, and Product Display Ads.
Sessions – The number of unique visitors who have viewed your ASIN
Total ROI – Found by dividing the total account sales by the sum of total marketing spend for Lightning Deals, Coupons, Sponsored Product Ads, Headline Search Ads, and Product Display Ads AND the total promotional discount applied. For example we would count the discount % offered for a Lightning Deal as spend in the Total ROI calculation.
UPC – Universal Product Code – This is a unique value
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